Explore unparalleled Social Media Marketing Excellence in Mumbai

Are you in pursuit of unparalleled Social Media Marketing Services in Mumbai to amplify your brand presence across social media platforms? Engage with Creative Dgital, a premier Social Media Marketing Company in Mumbai, delivering top-notch services at exceptionally affordable rates. Our adept social media marketing services have earned the trust of numerous clients globally. Secure your brand’s success with our Expertise. Request your FREE proposal today!

Is it Beneficial to Invest in Social Media Marketing Services in Mumbai?

Around 54% of individuals who browse social media use these platforms to research products. Additionally, a significant 71% of consumers who have had positive experiences with a brand on social media are inclined to recommend the brand to their friends and family. If your goal is to swiftly attract new customers through social media channels, leveraging Social Media Marketing (SMM) Services can be instrumental. By running targeted ads on social media platforms, SMM Services can help you generate quick inquiries.

Interestingly, over 70% of marketers view social media platforms as crucial marketing destinations. Do you share the same perspective?

Social Media Marketing Services Plans In Mumbai

SEO Services in Mumbai

Best SEO Company in India with Top-Rated SEO Experts

If you’re in search of top-notch SEO services in India, Creative Dgital is the best SEO company to meet your needs. We have ample reasons to prove the credibility of our SEO services. Our team consists of top-rated SEO experts with over a decade of extensive experience working on national and international SEO campaigns. Contact our SEO agency to get a thorough website audit. Call us today to receive a FREE SEO proposal.

SEO Services Company in India That Boosts Rankings, Traffic, and Sales!
Begin attracting more qualified traffic, increasing sales, and achieving higher rankings on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) by availing search engine optimization services from India’s leading SEO Company, Creative Dgital.

What You Get When You Choose Us as Your SEO Services Company in Mumbai

  • Access to premium SEO tools at all times.
  • Dedicated and skilled project managers and SEO professionals.
  • Commitment to White Hat SEO practices.

Our SEO Services Company Pricing Plans

Small Business

Best for Small Businesses
  • Ads Spend – Rs.10,000 (It will be paid to ads platform)
  • Our Management Fee – Rs. 8,000
  • Account Management – 2
  • Creation Of Campaign – 1
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative & Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report
  • Instagram Audience Research
  • Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
  • Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management

Basic SEO Plan

Best for Mid-Size Businesses
  • Ads Spend – Rs.20,000 (It will be paid to ads platform)
  • Our Management Fee – Rs. 15,000
  • Account Management – 3
  • Creation Of Campaign – 3
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative & Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report
  • Instagram Audience Research
  • Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
  • Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management
  • LinkedIN Campaign Manager Account Set Up
  • LinkedIn Insight Tag Installation
  • Creation Of Custom Conversion
  • Ads Monitoring
  • Monthly Report
  • Youtube Ad Account Set Up
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • Youtube Video Sequence Ads
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Targeting
  • Remarketing Video Ads
  • Video Ads With Promotion Of Your Products
  • Monthly Report
  • Tweet Engagement Ads
  • Video Or GIF View Ads
  • Awareness Ads
  • Website Conversion Ads
  • In-stream Video View Ads
  • Follower Ads
  • App Install Ads
  • App Reengagement
  • Audience Creation
  • Monthly Report

Advanced SEO Plan

Best for E-commerce Businesses
  • Ads Spend – Rs. 40,000
  • Our Management Fee – Rs. 25,000
  • Account Management – 5
  • Creation Of Campaign – 6
  • Facebook Business Manager Set Up
  • Pixel Installation
  • Custom Conversion Creation
  • Remarketing
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • Creation Of Automated Rules
  • Facebook Analytics Report Creation
  • Ad Campaign Monitoring
  • Catalogue Creation
  • Dynamic Ads Creation
  • Instant Experience Ads Creation
  • Customization Of Ad Placements
  • A/B Testing Of Ad Set, Creative & Placement
  • Carousel And Collection Ads
  • Traffic Monitoring
  • Monthly Report
  • Instagram Audience Research
  • Instagram Ads Creative Creation & Design
  • Instagram Ads Monitoring And Management
  • LinkedIN Campaign Manager Account Set Up
  • LinkedIn Insight Tag Installation
  • Creation Of Custom Conversion
  • Monthly Report
  • Youtube Ad Account Set Up
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads
  • Bumper Ads
  • Discovery Ads
  • Youtube Video Sequence Ads
  • Detailed Audience Creation
  • Custom Audience Creation
  • A/B Testing Of Targeting
  • Remarketing Video Ads
  • Video Ads With Promotion Of Your Products
  • Monthly Report
  • Tweet Engagement Ads
  • Video Or GIF View Ads
  • Awareness Ads
  • Website Conversion Ads
  • In-stream Video View Ads
  • Follower Ads
  • App Install Ads
  • App Reengagement
  • Audience Creation
  • Monthly Report

Revolutionize Your Business with Our Comprehensive Social Media Marketing Services

Social Media Marketing Services

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business world, maintaining a competitive edge requires strategic marketing efforts that go beyond traditional methods. If your previous marketing endeavors haven’t yielded the desired results, it’s a clear indicator that it’s time to elevate your approach. In such instances, embracing social media marketing becomes not just beneficial but essential for overall business growth.

With a staggering 59% of the global population now active online, tapping into the vast potential of social media is imperative for marketers and business owners alike. At Creative Dgital, we recognize the pivotal role that social media plays in shaping digital success.

Social media encompasses a vast network of over 3.5 billion individuals who utilize it as a powerful tool for creating, discovering, and sharing information across the internet.

At Creative Dgital, we advocate for making social media marketing an integral part of your comprehensive marketing strategy. Drawing on our extensive experience in digitally empowering businesses, we offer cutting-edge social media marketing services.

As a leading social media marketing agency, Creative Dgital delivers end-to-end support tailored to businesses of all scales, including startups, small and medium enterprises, and multinational corporations.

Contact us today to explore how our expertise can help you harness the full potential of social media, providing your business with unparalleled brand exposure.

Understanding Social Media Marketing

In the realm of marketing, the prevailing wisdom suggests that the most effective way to showcase your products and services is to be present where your potential customers currently congregate, and today, that place is undoubtedly social media. With almost 58% of the global population actively engaged on various social media platforms, social media marketing has evolved into an indispensable necessity.

Social Media Marketing can be succinctly described as:

“The strategic utilization of social media websites and networks to promote a company’s products or services.”

A more nuanced definition would be:

Social Media Marketing:

“Crafting tailored content for each social media platform to foster engagement and advance your business objectives.”

The significance of social media marketing is further underscored by the fact that the average daily user spends approximately 2.5 hours navigating these platforms.

These digital spaces allow businesses to establish a personal rapport with both their existing and potential customers. It is akin to a splendid chance for brands to present themselves compellingly, paving the way for substantial business expansion.

An analogy can be drawn to meeting someone for the first time. Just as you would endeavor to make a lasting impression in a face-to-face encounter, social media serves as a virtual space where such impressions are made. Social media marketing is the conduit for achieving precisely that. However, the challenge lies in creating content that captivates the audience. This is where the selection of a reputable social media marketing agency, such as Creative Dgital, becomes pivotal, elevating creativity and amplifying your business exposure.

Our social media marketing experts possess a comprehensive understanding of all facets of this dynamic field. They meticulously craft a foolproof social media marketing strategy to invigorate your campaign and propel your brand to new heights.

Social Media Services Include

Our comprehensive Social Media Services encompass a range of expertise. When you choose to engage our social media marketing services, our domain experts will guide you in identifying the most suitable social media platforms for your business and products. We possess the capability to initiate, oversee, and oversee social media advertising campaigns, including:

Facebook Advertising Services

pic of Facebook Advertising Services

For optimal audience engagement, Facebook advertising campaigns empower marketers to showcase both text and images throughout the campaign. Targeting options include personal preferences, location, topography, and the ability to set the desired pay-per-click or cost per mille (cost per 1000 impressions). Facebook boasts nearly 900 million users, contributing over 700 billion minutes monthly.

YouTube Advertising Services

YouTube Advertising Services


With an audience surpassing many cable networks, YouTube stands as the second most popular search engine. A YouTube marketing campaign enables marketers to specifically target their audience, distinguishing it from television advertising. Additionally, advertising on YouTube is simplified through linking your AdWords account.

Twitter Advertising Services

pic of twitter Advertising Services


Twitter provides the flexibility to define the objective of your business marketing campaign, such as Twitter engagements (likes, retweets, and replies), website clicks, app installs or engagements, followers, or leads. Payment occurs only when the specified activity takes place. Twitter also allows for daily budget limits and a maximum cost per action.

LinkedIn Advertising Services

LinkedIn Advertising Services


Tailored for B2B customers, our LinkedIn advertising services focus on a demographic where LinkedIn members influence four out of every five company decisions. They possess twice the purchasing power of users on other social media platforms. LinkedIn Ads offers two payment options: cost per click and cost per thousand impressions (cost per mile).

Today’s Scenario

The significance of Social Media Marketing Services in today’s context cannot be overstated. In our fast-paced world, individuals gravitate towards the social media profiles of brands and businesses to gain insights and understand the public discourse surrounding them.

Imagine a potential customer seeking your presence on a platform like Facebook, and if your brand is absent, it could lead to significant missed opportunities. In essence, not having a social media presence is a substantial error that can result in missed connections and potential losses.

To underscore the importance of social media marketing in 2023, consider these compelling facts:

  • 75% of consumers who have positive social media interactions with a brand are inclined to share their experiences with friends and family.
  • Social media users encompass a vast demographic, with 90.8% of Millennials, 79.5% of Generation X, and 48.9% of Baby Boomers actively engaged.
  • Facebook alone boasts a staggering 2.9 billion monthly active users.

When your target audience is actively participating in social media, failing to establish a notable presence puts you at a competitive disadvantage. Social media serves as a valuable tool for brands seeking to understand customer interests and preferences.

Experts advise that smart businesses will continue to invest in social media as part of a strategy for long-term commercial growth. Whether launching a new product or a company, utilizing social media is a powerful means to disseminate information.

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, it is evident that social media marketing is not a mere option but a necessity. Ignoring social media in today’s competitive environment can be particularly detrimental, especially in industries like social media influence, where new influencers emerge daily.

Incorporating social media marketing services into your business strategy is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With billions of active users across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, these channels cannot be disregarded. Despite their accessibility, the success of marketing efforts on social media is not guaranteed. Quality should take precedence over quantity, as prioritizing network engagement is crucial. Marketers run the risk of missing out on converting warm leads into customers without a clear strategy and action plan.

How Should You Start Using Social Media Marketing Services For Your Business?

Embarking on the utilization of Social Media Marketing Services for your business demands a strategic approach in today’s corporate landscape. Social media marketing, which involves enhancing website traffic, customer engagement, and sales through platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, is no longer a luxury but a necessity. While these platforms are free and user-friendly, success is not guaranteed without a focus on quality over quantity in network engagement.

To avoid the risk of overlooking warm leads and failing to convert them into customers, a clear strategy and action plan are crucial. Here are five essential components to consider when launching a social media marketing campaign:

  • Social Media Marketing Goals: Define your business and social media marketing objectives.
    Ensure that marketing goals are specific, measurable, time-bound, and aligned with overall business objectives.
  • Recognize and Reach Your Target Market: Leverage the power of social media to promote products and services to the ideal customer base. Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Social Mention, and Delicious to track mentions of your company’s keywords. Gather essential customer information through website forms to identify the right individuals to add to your social network.
  • Social Media Marketing Research: Monitor competitors’ content strategy, posting frequency, and material type to understand what works and what doesn’t.
    Social Media Platform Selection: Consider marketing to niche social networks for businesses with unique products or specialized services. Establish mission statements for each profile, optimizing for SEO and cross-promotion.
  • Social Media Content Planning: Develop a content strategy to avoid overwhelming your network with excessive posts. Address the balance between active interaction and avoiding post-fatigue. Ensure that content adds value to your target market; relevance is key. Recognize that social media is an extension of your brand, requiring consistency in shared content.

By focusing on these components, businesses can navigate the dynamic landscape of social media marketing with a thoughtful and effective approach. Remember, success in social media marketing lies in understanding your audience, having a well-defined strategy, and maintaining consistency with your brand identity.

Exploring the Interconnection of Search and Social Media Marketing

Surprisingly, social media marketing shares a close relationship with search engines, making it imperative for businesses and search marketers to comprehend this dynamic connection.

When individuals conduct searches on platforms like Google for products or services, social media plays a pivotal role in facilitating the discovery of relevant content through news and stories. Furthermore, links shared on social media platforms contribute to the enhancement of search engine optimization efforts by supporting link-building.

In certain instances, people actively search for specific terms on social media, underscoring the significance of businesses publishing pertinent and high-quality content on these platforms.

Identifying Key Social Media Platforms

Over the years, various social media platforms have proven to be instrumental in helping businesses effectively target diverse audience segments.

For those embarking on a social media marketing campaign, familiarity with these platforms is crucial. This knowledge aids in selecting the most suitable social media platform for a particular campaign, as each platform caters to different audience demographics, including boomers, millennials, teens, professionals, females, and businesses. Notably, platforms like LinkedIn have gained immense popularity by focusing on professionals across various industries.

Maximizing Business Benefits with Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing possesses substantial potential to add value to businesses, irrespective of their size or industry. To unlock these benefits, a well-crafted social media strategy is essential. Research indicates that precisely targeted social media marketing, combined with the publication of relevant and engaging content and intelligent campaign management, can result in high-quality traffic, enhanced search performance, improved customer engagement, and unparalleled brand loyalty. Here are some noteworthy advantages of embracing social media marketing:

Social Media Platform Selection

  • Enhanced SEO Rankings: Search engines, such as Google, consider a brand’s social media presence when determining rankings, emphasizing the importance of active social interactions.
  • Precise Targeting: Social media marketing enables brands to reach the right audience at the right time and in the right manner by offering various parameters for audience selection, including region, age, digital preferences, and more.
  • Improved Exposure: A strong presence on major social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, can significantly increase a brand’s exposure, provided there is a well-defined social media marketing strategy in place.
  • Building Trust Among Competitors: Established social media presence fosters thought leadership and meaningful connections with the audience, contributing to increased trust and credibility in the competitive landscape.
  • Conducting Better Market Research: Leveraging social media for product research is a prevalent trend, allowing brands to showcase their products in engaging ways. A robust social media marketing strategy can promote brand awareness and highlight offerings effectively.
  • Enhanced Profits: Both small businesses and large corporations can benefit from the cost-effectiveness of social media marketing. By promoting products and services on various social media networks, brands can reach their target customers without significant financial investments.

Creative Dgital’s social media marketing services focus on improving brand awareness and stimulating discussions around the brand.

Explore the Potential of Your Project with Our Expert Team!

Unlock the Power of Social Media Advertising

In today’s cutthroat business landscape, a mere social media strategy isn’t sufficient. Brands must embrace an integrated, tailor-made social media roadmap to meet customer expectations.

Social Media Advertising Services

While recognizing the importance of leveraging social media for business, many struggle with choosing the right platforms and determining the optimal investment. This is where Creative Dgital’s social media management services come into play. We simplify social media for brands, allowing them to focus on their core competency: running their business.

How Social Media Marketing Services Foster Brand Building

Your company can reach a global audience through social media, transcending demographics, locations, and consumer types. The ease with which customers can find and connect with you enhances client retention and loyalty, integral to building a steadfast consumer base. Social media not only introduces but also promotes products, serving as a direct communication channel between customers and the company.

At Creative Dgital, we advocate for two-way communication through creative brand representation across diverse platforms, strengthening social media footprints through organic and paid efforts.

Roles of a Social Media Marketing Company

A social media marketing agency is entrusted with overseeing a brand’s day-to-day social media activities. Leveraging professionals, tools, and insights, the agency strives for remarkable outcomes. The three core services provided include:

  • Social Media Management: Collaborating with you to identify your target audience and suitable social media channels, designing engaging content calendars, and managing content delivery through optimal scheduling.
  • Social Media Advertising: Employing paid social advertising to complement organic efforts, targeting specific segments or demographics. Crafting a tailored social media advertising strategy to achieve goals, whether it’s increased sales, web traffic, or brand awareness.
  • Social Media Strategy & Reporting: Focusing on measurable metrics such as ad effectiveness, accumulated sales, leads, or prospects, and cost per lead or outcome. These analytics guide ongoing strategy and determine the effectiveness of your social media endeavors.

Opt for the Premier Social Media Marketing Agency in India for Your Business Growth

In today’s dynamic landscape dominated by social media, adopting a conventional social media strategy is no longer a guaranteed method for gaining traction. The current business imperative is a tailored approach to social media marketing.

Enter Creative Dgital, a top-tier social media marketing agency that excels in leveraging every facet of social media marketing to deliver exceptional results in terms of heightened market awareness, expanded audience reach, and superior ROI.

Our team comprises skilled and impassioned professionals with a strong creative instinct, adept at launching impactful social media marketing campaigns across diverse business types and domains.

Say yes to unparalleled audience growth and digital engagement with our meticulously crafted social media marketing packages tailored for today’s businesses.

Distinguishing Between Social Media Management and Social Media Marketing Services

Social media management is a subset of social media marketing encompassing content creation, editing, monitoring, and scheduling across various platforms. Leading social media marketing agencies, including Creative Dgital, utilize tools like SEMrush and Hootsuite for these tasks.

These tools not only facilitate content creation and scheduling but also provide valuable insights into page performance, allowing for strategy refinement at any juncture.

Given the pervasive influence of social media, brands must integrate it seamlessly into their core marketing efforts to gain a competitive advantage. Social media management offers several benefits, including:

  • Establishing brand distinctiveness
  • Reducing business overheads
  • Enhancing customer relations
  • Effective online community management
  • Expanding audience reach
  • Monitoring social media campaigns meticulously
  • Social Dashboard

As a forefront digital marketing agency, Creative Dgital ensures the seamless continuity of your social media operations. Our adept social media professionals stay abreast of the latest trends, utilizing advanced tools and technologies to fulfill specific brand objectives.

Initiate your social media campaign by calling us today!

Navigating Between Social Media Advertising and Google Ads Services for Your Business

In the realm of robust marketing endeavors, social media advertising and Google Ads services stand out as the preferred choices for marketers.

While both aim to drive business conversions, choosing between them can be challenging for the uninitiated. Let’s delve into their distinctive features:

When to Choose Social Media Advertising Services:

Social media advertising excels in increasing brand awareness, fostering community building, and engaging target audiences. Its focus primarily lies on the upper funnel, addressing consideration and awareness goals.

Key benefits include:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Boosting engagement rates
  • Providing multifaceted targeting options
  • Generating free traffic to your website
  • Cultivating a brand community
  • Strengthening brand loyalty

When to Choose Google Ads:

Opt for Google ads if you aim to:

  • Obtain cost-effective leads
  • Achieve precise targeting for potential customers
  • Gain deep insights into your audience
  • Stay competitive on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

The Verdict: An effective digital marketing strategy incorporates both Google Ads management and Social Media Advertising. While social media ads excel in increasing brand awareness, Google Ads are adept at driving conversions.

The synergy of social media ads and Google Ads often proves to be the smartest approach in advertising.

Ready to Discuss Your Project with Our Experts?

Share your project details by clicking ‘Get In Touch,’ and one of our team members will contact you promptly!

Elevate Your Brand with Exceptional Social Media Marketing Services in Mumbai!

Discover the myriad advantages of our Social Media Marketing Services, which enable seamless interaction with your online community, facilitating the promotion of your products or services and the generation of thousands of leads through reliable social media marketing strategies in Mumbai. If you find yourself contemplating the adoption of social media marketing services for your business, consider the following benefits tailored to the Indian market:

  • Increased Brand Awareness
  • More Inbound Traffic
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Cost-Effective Marketing
  • Improved Brand Loyalty
  • Enhanced Brand Authority
  • Marketplace Insights
  • Powerful Reporting

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to delve deeper into the possibilities! Reach out to us now!

Digital Marketing Excellence

Seize the moment with the finest Social Media Marketing Agency in India. Our services stand out in the current pandemic, emphasizing the importance of leveraging social media marketing to stimulate business growth.

Our Social Media Marketing Services Offer:

Our status as the most effective, operational, and versatile Social Media Marketing Agency in India is a result of our expertise across various platforms. Engage with our comprehensive services, including:

    • Facebook Marketing
    • Youtube Marketing
    • Linkedin Marketing
    • Instagram Marketing
    • Twitter Marketing
    • Pinterest Marketing
  1. Content Development Capabilities: Place emphasis on quality content distributed strategically across platforms. Our experienced team generates engaging content to increase brand awareness.
  2. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Utilize data to gain insights into your audience and steer your business in the right direction. We evaluate the growth of your social channels and formulate impactful strategies to engage your audience.
  3. Detailed Reporting: Track key social media metrics, measure performance, and gain a comprehensive campaign overview through our intuitive analytics and fully customized reports.

Our Social Media Marketing Services Process: An innovative approach to achieving social media marketing goals. Interested in discussing your project? Share your details, and our team will connect with you promptly!

Why Choose Our Social Media Marketing Services

Embark on a journey with Creative Dgital, the premier Social Media Marketing Company in India. Experience top-notch SMM services at affordable prices, enhancing the authority and credibility of your business across various platforms.

Benefits of Choosing Creative Dgital:

  • Reasonable Packages
  • Experienced Professionals
  • 98% Success Rates
  • Great Customer Support
  • Highly Experienced Team Members
  • Huge Number Of Happy Clients
  • Long-Stretch Experience
  • Result-Oriented Strategy

Discover unparalleled social media marketing services tailored to your business needs. Contact us now to discuss your project and receive a prompt call from one of our team members!

Why Opt for a Professional Social Media Marketing Company:

  • Expertise
  • Budget Savings
  • Comprehensive Services Under One Roof
  • Abundant Resources
  • Utilization of Social Media Marketing Tools
  • Time Savings for Core Competencies

Explore the myriad benefits of professional social media marketing services. Reach out to us now for more information!

Virtues Our Social Media Marketing Agency Brings:

As a leading Social Media Marketing Agency, Creative Dgital distinguishes itself with extraordinary aspects such as:

  • Expertise in Industry
  • Cost-Effective Strategies
  • Comprehensive Services
  • Abundance of Resources
  • Cutting-Edge Social Media Marketing Tools
  • Time Efficiency for Core Competencies

At our agency, we not only listen to our client’s needs but understand them, crafting strategic approaches that fulfill all requirements. Partner with us to become a trailblazer in your industry through our exceptional social media marketing services!

What Distinguishes Our Social Media Marketing Services from Competitors?

Creativity: Innovation is the hallmark that sets our social media marketing services apart from the competition. As we deliver our SMM services, we transcend conventional thinking, striving for ingenuity and novelty. We refrain from imitating ideas, consistently going the extra mile to represent your business concepts in a more sophisticated manner.

Uniqueness: Our social media marketing agency operates in a distinctive manner. Our ideas are original, and our approach is transparent. We avoid adopting a standardized approach, opting instead to generate ideas that surpass conventional thinking.

Patience: Key to ensuring customer satisfaction is patience. At Creative Dgital, we maintain composure until our customers approve the work. Though rare, customer rejection doesn’t discourage us; we remain dedicated to satisfying our clients.

Innovation: Creative Dgital’s’ social media marketing services are renowned for their level of innovation. Our agency boasts tech-savvy professionals who stay vigilant to emerging technology trends, incorporating them into our strategies.

Ready to Discuss Your Project with Our Experts?
Share Your Project Details by Clicking “Get In Touch,” and One of Our Team Members Will Contact You Shortly!

What Distinguishes Our Social Media Marketing Services from Competitors?

Creative Dgital stands out as a pioneering social media marketing agency in Mumbai. With years of expertise and a team of skilled social media engineers, we understand what it takes to help brands maintain a remarkable presence on various social media platforms.

We’ve collaborated with numerous businesses over the years, aiding them in launching and managing diverse social media campaigns effectively and affordably. Here are compelling reasons to choose Creative Dgital’s social media services:

  • Comprehensive Services: Whether you aim to uphold a compelling brand presence across social media or enhance brand awareness through a well-crafted social media campaign, Creative Dgital offers support in all aspects of social media marketing, including social media advertising.
  • Tailor-Made Social Media Strategy: At Creative Dgital, we adopt a personalized approach to every social media marketing project. Recognizing the uniqueness of each business, we create custom social media strategies tailored to target audience, location, demography, campaign objectives, and other factors.
  • Dedicated Account Managers: We assign dedicated account managers based on your industry’s needs and social media marketing goals. This ensures you have a team of experts working on your project, with account managers available to address queries or engage in discussions through email or phone.
  • Timely Reports: Alongside dedicated account managers, we provide clients with comprehensive reports on all activities performed on their social channels and their performance. This transparency empowers clients to make informed decisions about their social media campaigns.
  • Organic and Paid Marketing Support: Our team comprises experienced organic and paid strategists, ensuring a cohesive plan that maximizes social media marketing conversions. Despite the differences between sponsored and organic components, we execute a unified strategy for optimal results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Social Media Marketing Services

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that leverages social networking websites for promotional activities.

What are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing Services?
  • Increased Brand Authority
  • Improved Brand Loyalty
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Relationship Building
  • Enhanced Visibility
How Often Will I Receive Reports?

Reporting frequency from Creative Dgital depends on your selected SMM package, typically occurring on a monthly or weekly basis.

Which SMM Package Should I Choose?

Select an SMM package based on your business goals. Our categorized packages cater to small, medium, and large-scale businesses.

Does Social Media Marketing Work?

Absolutely, it has a significant impact. Over 97% of marketers currently utilize social media to connect with their target audience.

Why Trust Creative Dgital?
  • Multi-Channel Marketing Experience
  • Content Development Capabilities
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making
  • Timely Reporting
Most Popular Social Media Platforms in 2023

Statistic: Most popular social networks worldwide as of October 2023, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

What Details Do I Need to Provide?

When engaging our SMM services, you’ll need to provide:

  • Social Media Account Access
  • Google Analytics Access
  • Google Tag Manager Access
Why Highlight My Business on Social Media?

Social media is essential for:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Establishing thought leadership
  • Personifying your brand
  • Staying competitive
  • Boosting inbound traffic
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Managing online reputation
How Can I Schedule Posts on Social Media Platforms?

Use Facebook Business Manager for Facebook, TweetDeck for Twitter, and HootSuite for Instagram and other platforms. Some platforms may require real-time posting.

Organic Post vs. Paid Ad on Social Platforms

An organic post is shared with your followers, while a paid ad targets a broader audience. Paid ads can amplify the reach of well-performing organic content.

How Frequently Should I Post on Social Media Pages?

Posting at least twice a week is a good rule of thumb, but frequency may vary by platform. Utilize stories on platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram for additional visibility.

What is the cost of social media marketing, and what is the ROI?

There is a cost associated with social media marketing, whether done independently or through an agency. ROI varies and may not always translate to profit but can include increased brand awareness, lead generation, customer satisfaction, and email subscriber growth. Success depends on the focus of your social media marketing efforts.